1. Overview
  2. Human Resources
  3. Employee Monthly Claim Module

Employee Monthly Claim Module


The Employee Monthly Claim (EMC) app is designed to streamline the monthly expense claim process for staff. This knowledge base will guide you through the functionalities and processes within the app to ensure a smooth and efficient experience.

Key Features

  1. Claim Creation

  2. Claim Submission

  3. Approval Process

  4. Payment Process

  5. Cancellation Process

  6. Listing Views

1. Claim Creation

Steps to Create a New Claim:

  1. Initiate a New Claim: Open the EMC app and click on "New".

  2. Fill in Claim Details: Enter the following details:

    • Expense Types: Specify the type of the expense (e.g., Mileage/Toll/ Parking, Medical/ T/Hphone, Utility, Staff Entertainment, Living-Room, Living-Meal, Taxi/ Bus, Misc).

    • Description: Provide a brief description of the expense types.

    • Mileage: Enter the mileage if applicable.

    • Toll Amount: Specify the toll expenses.

    • Parking Amount: Specify the parking expenses.

    • Amount: The total amount for the expense. It will shows automatically based on the Expenses Type.

    • Attachment: Attach relevant receipts or documents.

  3. Auto-Calculation: The app will automatically calculate the Total Claim Amount based on the provided details.

2. Claim Submission

Steps to Submit a Claim:

  1. Review Claim Details: Ensure all the entered details are accurate.

  2. Submit Claim: Click on the "OK" button to forward the claim for approval.

3. Approval Process

Role of HOD Approver:

  1. Review Pending Approvals: The HOD can view all pending approval tasks in the "Pending My Approval" listing view.

  2. Approve/Reject Claim: The HOD can either approve or reject the claim. If approved, the claim moves to the Finance team for processing.

4. Payment Process

Role of Finance Team:

  1. Process the Approved Claim: Once the claim is approved by the HOD, the Finance team will process the payment.

  2. Indicate Payment: Click on the "Pay" button to mark the payment as completed.

  3. Enter Payment Details: Fill in the Payment Type and Payment Reference information.

5. Cancellation Process

Steps to Cancel a Claim:

  1. Cancellation: An employee can cancel their claim if the claim yet to approved by the Approver.

  2. Automatic Archival: Cancelled claims are automatically archived and listed in the "Archived" view.

6. Listing Views

  • My EMC: Employees can view their own claiming information.

  • Pending My Approval: HOD approvers can view claims awaiting their approval.

  • Archived: Contains all rejected or cancelled claims.


The Employee Monthly Claim app is a comprehensive tool designed to simplify the expense claim process for employees and streamline the approval and payment workflow. By following the steps outlined in this knowledge base, users can efficiently manage their monthly claims with ease.

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