1. Overview
  2. Talent Management
  3. Employee Exit Interview and Checklist Module

Employee Exit Interview and Checklist Module


The Employee Exit Interview and Checklist app is an integral module of the MyLIMS system, designed to facilitate the resignation process, ensuring smooth transitions and comprehensive documentation. This guide provides detailed instructions on how users can effectively navigate and utilize the app within the framework of employee resignations.

Process Overview

  1. Initiating the Process:

    • Employee Action:

      • An employee intending to resign must initiate the process by filling out the 'Employee Exit Interview and Checklist Form'. This form is crucial as it sets the resignation process in motion.

    • Notification:

      • Once the form is submitted, automatic notifications are sent to the employee's Department Head (HOD), Human Resource Team, and Laboratory Manager, informing them of the new resignation entry.

  2. Review and Interview:

    • Department HOD Responsibilities:

      • The Department HOD is tasked with reviewing the submitted form. If discrepancies or changes are identified, they have the authority to edit the form accordingly.

      • The HOD must organize an exit interview with the resigning employee. This session is key to understanding the reasons behind the employee's decision and to potentially address any issues that could improve organizational retention strategies.

      • Post-interview, the HOD updates the Employee Interview records to reflect any new insights or decisions.

  3. Approval Process:

    • Human Resource Team / Laboratory Manager Actions:

      • Following the exit interview, the Human Resource Team or Laboratory Manager receives notification of the exit interview's completion.

      • They must then decide to approve or reject the Exit Interview application. Approval will result in the system updating the Employee module Profile with details such as Contract End Date, Entry ID, and any Supporting Documents.

      • If rejected, the application reverts to 'Pending Approval', requiring the employee to address any issues and resubmit for reconsideration.

  4. Application Status and Cancellation:

    • Status Management:

      • Applications can exist in several states: 'Submitted', 'Rejected', 'Pending Approval', ‘Canceled‘ and 'Approved'.

      • The employee has the autonomy to cancel their application if it is in the 'Submitted', 'Rejected', or 'Pending Approval' state.

  5. System Views:

    • My Exit Interview and Checklist:

      • This view is personal to each employee, showcasing only their submitted applications for exit interviews.

    • Pending Exit Interview Session by Department HOD:

      • Visible exclusively to Department HODs, this view lists pending exit interview tasks, ensuring HODs can efficiently manage their responsibilities.

    • All:

      • Accessible by the Human Resource Team and Laboratory Manager, this comprehensive view lists all applications, providing a historical record and facilitating broader oversight.


The Employee Exit Interview and Checklist app is a vital tool for managing employee transitions effectively. By following this guide, users can ensure compliance with resignation protocols, maintain thorough records, and facilitate constructive exit interviews, ultimately contributing to organizational improvement and employee satisfaction.

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