1. Overview
  2. Talent Management
  3. Staff Performance Evaluation System Module

Staff Performance Evaluation System Module


  • Purpose: Explain the objective of the system, which is to evaluate and track employee performance in key areas such as attitude, collaboration, and job quality.

  • Benefits: Highlight benefits for both employers and employees, such as improved performance tracking, structured feedback, and transparent appraisal processes.

Workflow Overview

  1. Initiation:

    • Employees self-evaluate and submit a ‘New Performance Evaluation Record’.

    • Notification is sent to the Appraiser (typically the Head of Department).

  2. Appraisal Process:

    • The Appraiser evaluates and approves the submission.

    • The evaluation including Percentage of increment, Number of bonus month, Employee strength, Area for improvement, training and development plan, and comments.
    • System notifies the next tier of approver (Section Head/ Senior Manager/ BOD), such as the Laboratory Manager or Board of Director.

  3. Approval and Endorsement:

    • The Approver (Section Head/ Senior Manager/ BOD) endorses the application with details such as:

      • Percentage of increment

      • Number of bonus months

      • Overall comments by the Approver

      • Date of Bonus and Salary Review Letter

      • Increment Effective Date

  4. HR Actions:

    • The Human Resource team creates the Bonus and Salary Review Letter.

    • They update the Salary and Bonus History Table in the Employee’s module with a click of button ‘Add to Employee Profile‘ with details below:

      • Previous Salary

      • Salary Adjust Effective Date

      • Attachment of Bonus and Salary Review Letter

      • Record Entry

      • Adjusted Salary

      • Review Period

System Features and Listings

  • Listings:

    • My Draft: Displays the Appraisee’s records in ‘Draft’ state.

    • Pending My Approval: Shows records where the user is the Appraiser in the ‘Submitted’ state.

    • Pending Section Head/Senior Manager/BOD Approval: Lists entries in ‘Evaluated & Approved’ state awaiting approval by Section Head/Senior Manager/BOD. This visible only to Section Head/Senior Manager/BOD.

    • Endorsed by BOD and Pending HR Action: Visible to the HR team for entries in the ‘Endorsed’ state requiring further action.

    • All: Comprehensive list visible to Laboratory Manager, BOD, and HR team.

User Roles and Responsibilities

  • Employee: Initiates the evaluation process by submitting a new record.

  • Appraiser (HOD): Evaluates and approves the initial submission.

  • Approver (Section Head/Senior Manager/BOD): Endorses the evaluation and provides final comments and increments.

  • Human Resource: Finalizes the process by creating official documents and updating records.


  • Final Thoughts: Summarize the streamlined process and encourage users to familiarize themselves with their specific roles in the system.

  • Further Assistance: Provide information on where users can find additional help or support if needed.

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