1. Overview
  2. LIMS
  3. General Modules in MyLIMS

General Modules in MyLIMS

Introduction to MyLIMS

MyLIMS is a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) that offers a robust framework for managing laboratory processes and data. It is designed to cater to laboratories' diverse needs, providing tools for sample management, data tracking, and reporting. MyLIMS has various modules that address multiple aspects of laboratory operations, ensuring that laboratories can operate efficiently and effectively.

General Modules in MyLIMS

  1. Dashboard (Testing) Module: This module overviews the laboratory's productivity and testing performance. It allows users to monitor billing status, testing progress, sample retention, and disposal, offering a comprehensive view of laboratory activities.

  2. LIMS - Sample Activities:

    • Job Records Module: This module handles sample registration, product specification assignment, labeling, and report template selection. It also manages shelf-life testing intervals and integrates sample images and remarks.

    • Subcon Module: Includes the Subcon Letter Module for drafting and approving letters and the External Result Module for managing results from external labs.

    • Sample Records Module: Facilitates the approval and organization of sample results, preparing them for customer reporting.

    • Reporting Module: Customizes reports based on customer requirements and categorizes them for email distribution (Report template customization is subject to additional charges, and customers need to subscribe to another PDF template system).

    • Batch Email Reports Module: Manages the batch emailing of reports, ensuring efficient communication with customers.

  3. Operation Activities:

    • Schedule Module: Manages the creation and modification of laboratory schedules.

    • Task Management Module: Allows for creating and tracking tasks within the laboratory.

  4. LIMS - Technical Records Form (TRF):

    • TRF no-form Type Module: Manages internal results without digital forms, integrating them into the Sample Records Module.

    • Additional Modules: Customizable based on customer requirements (subject to additional charges).

  5. LIMS - Quality Records Form (QRF):

    • Additional Modules: Tailored to meet specific customer needs (subject to additional charges).

  6. LIMS - Master Data:

    • Parameter Module: Centralizes testing parameters and allows for the assignment of tests to customers.

    • Sample Types and Matrix: Lists possible sample types and matrices for analysis.

    • Field of Scopes Module: Catalogs testing parameters and scopes.

    • TRF Method Form: Groups technical records forms by type and code.

    • Result Spec Module: Manages product specifications and regulatory limits.

    • Reporting Unit Module: Controls reporting units for testing parameters.

    • Result Denote Module: Lists typical result denotations.

    • Quality Record Form Checklist Module: Details quality record forms and associated information.

    • Equipment and Apparatus Checklist Module: Catalogs laboratory equipment and apparatus details.

    • Report Template Module: Summarizes report template options based on various criteria.

  7. Financing:

    • Billing Tracker Module: This module manages billing processes, turning documents into billed states and facilitating direct email communication with customers.

By understanding these modules, users can effectively utilize MyLIMS to enhance laboratory operations, ensuring accurate data management and streamlined processes. This knowledge base guides navigating the MyLIMS system, providing insights into its capabilities and functionalities.

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