Recruitment Module


The MyLIMS Recruitment App is designed to streamline the entire recruitment and hiring process by centralizing job openings and applicant information. This application is accessible to the Laboratory Manager, all Heads of Departments (HODs), and the Human Resource (HR) Team. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to use the Recruitment App to manage the recruitment process efficiently.

User Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Human Resource Team:

    • Create new job openings and add new talent.

    • Receive notifications when HOD marks talent as suitable.

    • Schedule and arrange interview sessions.

    • Can cancel the recruitment process at any time.

  2. Heads of Departments (HODs)/Managers:

    • Receive notifications for new talent.

    • Verify and justify the suitability of talent.

    • Conduct interviews and provide feedback.

    • Update interview results and set the status to 'In Progress'.

  3. Laboratory Manager:

    • Receives notifications to accept or reject candidates.

    • Final decision-making in the hiring process.

    • Views shortlisted candidates and their statuses.

Recruitment Process Flow

  1. Talent Creation:

    • The HR Team creates a new talent entry in the Recruitment App.

    • Related HOD/Manager receives a notification about the new talent.

  2. Initial Review by HOD/Manager:

    • The HOD/Manager verifies the suitability of the new talent.

    • Marks the talent as a suitable candidate if applicable.

    • HR Team receives a notification upon marking the talent as suitable.

  3. Interview Arrangement:

    • The HR Team arranges an interview session.

    • The HOD/Manager receives a notification about the scheduled interview.

  4. Interview Process:

    • The HOD/Manager conducts the interview.

    • Clicks on the 'Complete Interview' button after the session.

    • Provides comments and justifies the candidate’s suitability.

    • Updates the result by clicking 'Update Result', changing the status to 'In Progress'.

  5. Final Review by Laboratory Manager:

    • The Laboratory Manager receives a notification for the final decision.

    • Justifies whether to accept or reject the candidate.

    • If accepted, the system marks the candidate as 'Hired'.

    • If rejected, the system marks the candidate as 'Rejected'.

Listings and Views

The Recruitment App provides various listing views for different stages of the recruitment process:

  1. Candidate Pending My Review: Lists all candidates awaiting review by the HOD/Manager.

  2. Selected Candidate to Interview: Displays candidates marked as suitable and selected for interviews.

  3. Hiring Review for Selected Candidate: Visible only to the Laboratory Manager, showing shortlisted candidates for final review.

  4. Hired: Shows all hired candidates, visible to HODs, Laboratory Manager, and HR Team.

  5. All: Displays details of all candidates in the system, and visible to Laboratory Manager and HR Team.


  • New Talent Created: Sent to related HOD/Manager.

  • Talent Marked as Suitable: Sent to HR Team.

  • Interview Scheduled: Sent to HOD/Manager.

  • Final Decision Required: Sent to Laboratory Manager.

By following this structured approach, users can effectively manage the recruitment process, ensuring a seamless and efficient hiring workflow.

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