KPI Module

Introduction to KPIs

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are specific metrics used by organizations to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of talent management strategies and processes. In MyLIMS, KPIs are systematically managed and tracked to ensure departments and individual team members align with organizational goals.

KPI Creation Process

1. Creating a KPI

Responsibility: Department HOD


  1. Access KPI Creation:

    • Navigate to the KPI section in MyLIMS.

    • Click on 'New' to create New KPI.

  2. Fill in KPI Details:

    • Key Result Area: Define the area to be measured.

    • KPI - Parameter to be measured: Specify the metric or parameter.

    • KPI Weightage: Assign a weight to the KPI, indicating its importance.

    • Target: Set the target value to be achieved.

  3. Save as Draft or Submit for Approval:

    • Save the KPI as draft if it requires further modifications.

    • Submit the KPI for approval to the Laboratory Manager.

2. KPI Approval Process

Responsibility: Laboratory Manager


  1. Review Submitted KPIs:

    • Navigate to "Submitted for Approval" listing.

    • Review each KPI in detail.

  2. Approve or Reject KPI:

    • Approve the KPI if it meets the standards.

    • Reject the KPI if it needs modifications or does not meet the standards.

    • The system will automatically notify the respective HOD upon approval or rejection.

3. Notification System

  • Submission Notification: Upon KPI submission by HOD, the Laboratory Manager receives a notification.

  • Approval/Rejection Notification: The respective HOD receives a notification upon the Laboratory Manager's decision.

  • Update Notification: Any updates made to the KPI by the Laboratory Manager trigger notifications to the respective HOD.

KPI Listings

1. My Department KPI

Visibility: Department HOD


  • Displays all KPIs created by the HOD.

  • Allows HOD to view and edit their KPI drafts.

2. Submitted for Approval

Visibility: Laboratory Manager


  • Lists all KPIs pending approval.

  • Only visible to the Laboratory Manager.

3. Approved

Visibility: All Employees


  • Lists all approved KPIs.

  • Visible to all employees for transparency and alignment with organizational goals.

Reviewing and Updating KPIs

Responsibility: Laboratory Manager


  1. Regular Review:

    • Periodically review and update KPIs to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with organizational objectives.

  2. Make Necessary Updates:

    • Modify KPI parameters, weightages, or targets as needed.

    • The system will notify the respective HOD of any updates made.


The MyLIMS KPI App provides a structured approach to managing and tracking Key Performance Indicators. By following the outlined processes, Department HODs and Laboratory Managers can ensure KPIs are effectively created, reviewed, and updated, fostering a transparent and goal-oriented organizational environment.

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