1. Overview
  2. Human Resources
  3. Petty Cash Request Module

Petty Cash Request Module


The Petty Cash Request App within MyLIMS is designed to streamline and simplify the process of petty cash management for staff members. This knowledge base aims to guide users through the process of creating, submitting, and managing petty cash requests, as well as understanding the approval workflow.

Creating a Petty Cash Request

Steps to Create a New Petty Cash Request:

  1. Login to MyLIMS: Access the Petty Cash Request application from the MyLIMS Master Panel (on the left side of your browser).

  2. Initiate a New Request: Click on the button to create a new petty cash request.

  3. Fill in Request Details:

    • Claim Purpose: Select either "Staff Petty Cash Reimbursement" or "Program/Event Petty Cash".

    • Program Name: Enter the name of the program/event (Visible only if "Program/Event Petty Cash" is selected).

    • Your Area: Specify the area of the program/event (Visible only if "Program/Event Petty Cash" is selected).

    • Stores/Vendors: List the stores or vendors involved (Visible only if "Program/Event Petty Cash" is selected).

    • Date Today (or Requested Date): Input the current date or the date the request is made.

    • Date of Program: Enter the date of the program/event (Visible only if "Program/Event Petty Cash" is selected).

    • Need Money By: Specify the date by when the money is needed.

    • List Specific Expenditures and Amounts: Detail each expenditure including Date, Reference, Company, Item, Quantity, and Cost per Unit.

    • Total Amount Requested: This will be auto-calculated by the system based on the listed expenditures.

    • Requestor Signature: Sign the request to authenticate it.

  4. Submit the Request: Click on the “OK” button to submit the draft Petty Cash Claim.

Approval Process

  • Review by Authorized Approver: The authorized approver (e.g. Laboratory Manager) will review the submitted petty cash request.

  • Decision: The approver will either Approve or Reject the request. Notifications will be sent to the Employee regarding the decision.

Handling Unused Cash for Program/Event Petty Cash

  1. Return of Unused Cash: If there are unused funds from a "Program/Event Petty Cash" request, the Employee must return the unused cash to the Office.

  2. Recording the Return:

    • The officer receiving the cash will record the “Amount Returned to Office” and the “Date of Cash Returned”.

    • The officer will click the “Return” button after entering all necessary information.

    • The system will send an automatic notification to the Employee to acknowledge receipt of the returned cash.

Staff Petty Cash Reimbursement

  • Fill in Debit Amount and Expenditures: The Employee should fill in the allocated debit amount and list out the expenditures in the "List Specific Expenditure and Amount" table.

  • Auto-Calculation: The Petty Cash Request app will auto-calculate the Total Amount Requested, Cash in Hand, and the amount to be reimbursed to the Employee when the request is submitted.

  • Reimbursement: System will send notification to alert Finance Team to arrange the cash reimbursement to the Employee.

Listings and History

  • My Petty Cash Request: Displays the Employee’s own petty cash request history.

  • Pending My Approval: Shows pending approval tasks for authorized users (e.g., Laboratory Manager or Finance Team).

  • All: Displays all petty cash request claims made by the Employee, visible only to authorized users.


The Petty Cash Request App in MyLIMS facilitates efficient management of petty cash by providing a structured and automated process for creating, approving, and tracking petty cash requests. By following the steps outlined in this knowledge base, users can effectively navigate and utilize the app to meet their petty cash needs.

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